Monday, August 24, 2015

9 - Cyber bullying

It's just about as bad as being bullied in real life.The traumatic effect can harm someone's emotions to a point that might even cause suicide.For many older people. The word "trolling" means to pick fun at someone to 
get a rise out of someones emotions.Eventually trolling can get 
seriously played out like a dirty sock.I feel a majority of teen can be affected but so can adults.

While cyber bullying IS a thing, most people who go cry themselves to sleep cry over some random fuckboi talking shit about you, then go cry to tumblr bout muh insecurities and shit. If you can't handle a little banter you just need to stay off the internet, because that aspect of it's never changing. There is a very clear line between random banter and someone truly bullying you on the internet. When people dox you and start fucking with your personal, home life, then that is cyber bullying. If somebody called you a mean "name", and you get upset and emotional over it, you're just being a pansy and need to learn how to block/mute/ignore people.

I know this is an issue for some young people, however, I think it's up to the parent to supervise what their child is being sent over the internet. I would teach my child that just because someone says something about you, doesn't make it true.

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