Saturday, September 2, 2017


For the last two weeks in our class, all topics have been spread out to the class as we were informed by our respected Professor Justin Pineda. He shared all about security measures that relates not just in our subject manner but also relates to everyday lives we encountered each day. As Sir Justin Pineda asked this question, "If someone hacks your system, will it be okay if you will hack him back?" In real life, its the same scenario as someone hurt you whether it is intentional or not, will you be that kind of person that will fights back just to get the revenge from that hacker or attacker? We talked about cryptography and physical security. It was rather fun learning about those two topics but out of the two, I really liked physical security more because unlike cryptography, it didn't have math in it. I like math and all but I gotta admit, that topic was challenging because you really had to analyze it. The physical security topics was fun because we got to hear stories about a fireman from sir. Plus, the exercise in that topic can really make you think about the security measures the school has and if they're effective or ineffective or if they use the right tools for certain situations. Viewing and logging this activity can provide an insight into the level and types of threat a network infrastructure faces while distracting attackers away from assets of real value.

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