Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Week 10-11

On our week 10 and 11, Sir Justin Pineda had given us a project. All the groups have been given a network monitoring tool to research about and use in an actual network. Our group was given the PRTG Network Monitor. At first, we were relaxed as we were told by our professor that it was easy to use and configure but when we installed it, we had so many problems configuring it. 

We had so many sleepless nights because of that. We were having a hard time adding sensors in the network because when we add sensors, it shows a lot of errors. We had try using a VMWare or a virtual machine but still it didn't work. 

We had to ask the other section on how they configured their PRTG application. We were relieved when they told us how they done it. We were the last group to present, we had no more additional points because we were late to present, but we are still relieved that we had the application running.

Week 8-9

After we had presented our research paper, we had no time relaxing and catching our breath. We had to continue the discussion of our subject Data Network and Communication. On our week 8 and 9 of DNETCOM, we learned how to use Wireshark. I learned that how packets go through the stream of a network. I also learned how to sniff packets of a website. Many exercises have been given by our professor so we learned so much about packet sniffing, we even learned theories about it.

Week 6 & 7

In our week 6 and 7 of DNETCOM, we had presented our research paper entitled "Wireless Networks: Improving and Securing Your Wireless Network at Home." 

It basically tells the readers of the research paper on techniques on how to improve and secure the network. On the day of the presentation, we only had 15 minutes to present and discuss the topic and a 5 minute question and answer given by the panel, Sir Justin Pineda. Our research paper only needed minor revisions and I think it is a success.